The Galileo Project: Harvard researchers to search for signs of alien technology

Professor Avi Loeb – a controversial popular science author who claimed the Oumuamua interstellar object was an alien spacecraft – is leading the new project.

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An international team at Harvard University is launching a new program to discover evidence of alien civilizations through the signs left by their advanced technology.

The Galileo Project is being led by Professor Avi Loeb – a controversial popular science author who claimed the Oumuamua interstellar object, which was never imaged in more detail than The Galileo Project will search for and investigate evidence of potentially defunct or still-active extraterrestrial technology civilizations (ETCs) using astronomical survey data and telescope observations.

New artificial intelligence algorithms will be developed to spot interstellar objects that could be artificial in origin, as well as satellites and unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs) believed to have been constructed by ETCs.

Citing the recent US intelligence report on UAPs, the project said “the scientific community now needs the determination to systematically, scientifically and transparently look for potential evidence of extraterrestrial technological equipment”.

The report, published in June, concluded that there was insufficient evidence to make any claims attributing the phenomena to alien civilizations.

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