My Journey at BET Software

When I received the call from BET Software, it was Monday, early in the morning last year (2021) when the sun was greeting everyone the weather was beautiful, or at least that is how I remember it.

I was laying down on my bed without any hope that I will ever make it to further my studies. After receiving the call, that is where I stopped for a moment to adore the beauty of nature. I couldn’t move for a couple of minutes because I was shocked and happy at the same time.

I was going to receive a bursary that would cover both accommodation and tuition fees. Indeed, BET Software was the sunshine that made my entire life change.

The following day, I got another call from BET Software… They said I would also be offered 12 months of work experience as part of the BET Software Graduate Programme. I just saw myself being removed from unemployment status and I was thrilled. From the day my fees were settled, I started to work even harder.

The pressure and stress were there because I wanted to do my best in academics to ensure that my work spoke volumes (the aim was straight A’s). Last year in October, while others had virtual graduation ceremonies, we as BET SOFTWARE TRAINEES were given a chance to celebrate with the company following COVID-19 protocols (the privileges of being chosen by BET Software)!

I was always doing my research on the company; visiting the website and browsing social media. I couldn’t wait to start working. It always seems impossible till it is done.

On my first day at work, I was happy to be part of the company but also nervous about what was expected from me, how the work environment operates, and how to balance my work and personal life. Fast forward: we spent a month on induction where we learned more about BET Software including meeting various Teams and departments and getting an overview of the business while getting a taste of the Culture.

I was lucky enough to get the chance of visiting the branches and learn about horse racing, soccer, etc. It was such an amazing experience that I never imagined I would have in my life.

Over my journey thus far, I have also leveled up in my soft skills as the company offers some LinkedIn courses that focus on upskilling individuals. I will expand on my journey of learning in my next Blog!

I have since been applying the techniques I learned and let me tell you, I am improving daily!

We also have mentors that assist us with everything and are always willing to help us where they can. It is such a great opportunity to be mentored on how to balance work and your personal life and the shared experiences have taught me a great deal.

BET Software has granted me the chance to explore and learn about each department so that in the end, as a trainee, I will be able to confidently choose which department aligns more with my capabilities and strengths.

All these departments are amazing and interesting as they work together to develop software applications. I know most people may think that it takes only development to make applications, but that is not true, there’s an SDLC process that is followed.

 Tertiary education does not necessarily teach you everything, the real world begins at the workplace. No one will ever tell you to wake up and grab that bread, you need to tell yourself and be your alarm, excelling in whatever that you are tasked with to make sure that you secure yourself as an asset and keep learning and growing, achieving both the company goals as well as your own personal goals.

“Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in”, Billy Bradley

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Picture of Nonjabulo


Graduate trainee at BET Software

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