Dare To Dream Bursary Ignites Success with Mahlako Mamaregane – Junior DBA

Bet Software Dare To Dream Bursary Success Story

Securing a BET Software “Dare To Dream” bursary can be a game-changer for aspiring techies – opening doors to opportunities and providing the necessary financial resources. For many team members at BET Software who were awarded a bursary during their tertiary studies and then secured a spot on the BET Software Graduate Programme, culminating in joining an All-Star team, this journey has been rewarding. Mahlako Mamaregane tells us why.

1. Can you describe your initial reaction upon receiving the bursary?

  • When I received the news about being awarded the “Dare To Dream” bursary, my heart felt like it was about to burst with joy.
  • It was a dream come true, validating all the late nights and sacrifices I had made.

2. What kind of support or resources did the “Dare To Dream” Bursary Programme provide beyond financial assistance?

  • The “Dare To Dream” Bursary Programme gave me access to the BET Software team.
  • This support made me feel valued – having a caring team cheering me on and helping me every step of the way.

3. What advice would you give to future students considering applying for this bursary?

  • My advice to future students considering applying for the “Dare To Dream” bursary is to pour your heart into your application.
  • Let your passion shine through every word.
  • Reflect deeply on what drives you and express how you plan to use this support to make those dreams a reality.
  • The more authentic and heartfelt you are, the more your application will stand out.

4. Why would you recommend the bursary programme to other students?

  • I recommend the “Dare To Dream” bursary because it’s an opportunity that changes lives.
  • It’s not just about financial help. It’s an amazing chance to grow, dream big, and soar to new heights.

5. How has the bursary influenced your future aspirations in the tech field?

  • The “Dare To Dream” bursary has been life-changing for my tech career.
  • It allowed me to fully dive into my studies and secure being in a graduate programme, which led to permanent employment with BET Software.

6. Are there any long-term goals you feel more confident about achieving thanks to the bursary?

  • Absolutely. The “Dare To Dream” bursary has kindled a significant belief in my own potential.
  • I’m inspired to pursue leadership roles in tech and make a meaningful impact.

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Bet Software Dare To Dream Bursary Success Story

Dare To Dream Bursary Ignites Success with Mahlako Mamaregane – Junior DBA

Got dreams? We’ve got the bursaries. Turning dreams into reality can be daunting for anyone, but the “Dare To Dream” bursaries have helped students get started on their tech journeys. For Mahlako Mamaregane it didn’t stop there. She’s turned her aspirations into achievements through the BET Software Bursary Programme. Here are her tips for others looking to follow a similar path.

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Bet Software Dare To Dream Bursary Success Story

Dare To Dream Bursary Ignites Success with Mahlako Mamaregane – Junior DBA

Got dreams? We’ve got the bursaries. Turning dreams into reality can be daunting for anyone, but the “Dare To Dream” bursaries have helped students get started on their tech journeys. For Mahlako Mamaregane it didn’t stop there. She’s turned her aspirations into achievements through the BET Software Bursary Programme. Here are her tips for others looking to follow a similar path.

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