Check-In: How Is Your Mental Health?

October is Mental Health Awareness Month, with 10 October being World Mental Health Day. World Mental Health Day aims to raise awareness about mental health issues around the world, and to mobilise efforts in support of mental health.

According to the Mayo Clinic, mental illness, also referred to as mental health disorders, refers to a wide range of mental health conditions — disorders that affect your mood, thinking and behaviour.

Examples of mental illness include depression, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, eating disorders and addictive behaviours. Many people have mental health concerns from time to time. But a mental health concern becomes a mental illness when ongoing signs and symptoms cause frequent stress and affect your ability to function.

If it’s true that one-third of our lives is spent at work, how can companies play their part in contributing to positive mental health in the workplace?

A workplace wellness trend report found that employees want to work in a healthy environment. Some findings from the survey show that 93% of workers in the tech industry said they would stay longer at a company that offers healthier workspace benefits.

According to the International WELL Building Institute (IWBITM), workplace design that considers air quality, lighting, views of nature and the general layout of the interior, can significantly impact on health, satisfaction, and the well-being of Team Members.

So, how do we at BET, promote positive mental health?

Our colourful office space

At BET, sometimes we like to “Just Chill” on the first floor, somedays we say “Let’s Go Bananas” on the second floor, and of course we encourage “Good Vibes Only” on the third floor.

But did you know that there is a psychology behind all this colour? Colours influence how we see and respond to our environment. The use of colour in the office environment is supported by a study by the University of Texas which confirms that colour does, in fact, elicit a reaction in the brain, and can subsequently affect Team Member’s  moods.

Researcher Nancy Kwallek, Ph.D., led the study which examined three colour schemes in particular – and how those different colours affect workers in the office. The impact of colours was evident in the way the subjects responded to the stimulus.

Our sea views

It’s said that an office space impacts Team Members’ well-being, and a quality workspace design leads to a less stressful atmosphere.

At BET, the Indian Ocean isn’t just our playground, it’s our backyard. Every day, we have endless, turquoise sea views, uninterrupted by the ships in the distance. This backdrop makes for creative spaces for brainstorming within BET, informal meeting areas, and it also allows for different areas to work during our day -including our outdoor spaces. All this positively influences mental health, and well-being.

Our café menu

We are what we eat. This is also true in the workplace. What we eat fuels and powers our days at the BET office.

To feel energised, focused, and productive, our café menu strives to provide a nutritious, balanced diet to supply us with the nourishment our bodies need to succeed.

From the smoothies, to the subs, to the salad bar, we encourage a healthy food culture. Our dedicated eating spaces foster mindful eating and better eating habits.

Our running club and soccer league

We encourage leading an active lifestyle at BET. This is through our running club and soccer league. We grab our takkies, stretch out those glutes and get moving. Running with others has a huge effect on motivation.

Playing together also provides accountability and support. Spending time as Team Members is intentional, helps us recharge, and has a positive impact on Team Members’ well-being.

Our chill spaces and our culture of get-togethers

At BET, we chill together and play together. Our chill room allows us to relax and de-stress. The office, where we spend a lot of our time, should be filled with positive experiences, and while a chill room, and our monthly Townhall get-togethers may seem like a minor part of the job, it makes all the difference when it comes to morale.


  • Research Gate – Effects of Office Interior Color on Workers’ Mood and Productivity
  • Forbes – How Your Office Space Impacts Employee Well-Being
  • Feet Fleet – How Running With A Group Makes You Happier
  • Mayo Clinic – Mental Illness


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Picture of Lindile Mpanza

Lindile Mpanza

PR Specialist at BET Software

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