Celebrating Women in Sports Day with Mengka Singh

From Office Manager to playing wing for the South African Touch Rugby Association’s Touchboks, Mengka Singh shares how she tackles both areas of her life with energy and discipline! We stole a few minutes out of her busy schedule to ask her some questions to get to know this All-Star better. Check them out:


  1. What do you do at BET?

I’m the Office Manager for BET Software and I do personal training sessions for ladies privately.

  1. Who are you outside of BET?

When I’m not at work or training, you can find me on the couch, sipping my tea, snacking on everything and watching movies.

  1. What positive impact has sports or specifically rugby had on your life?

It’s actually given me so many different things. I wouldn’t be who I am today if I didn’t play sport. It’s given me social skills and taught me how to work in a Team. It’s taught me patience and also that hard work really does pay off. It’s also made me see the lighter side of life.

  1. What other sports do you participate in/love?

I played almost every sport in school. Now at 30, I stick to touch rugby and gym. I really enjoy watching rugby and cricket.

  1. Why is work/life balance important to you?

It’s important because it allows me to switch off the moment I leave work. Maintaining a good balance means that I am less stressed and can focus on tasks and perform better in both sports and work.

  1. How do you personally balance your work/sports activities?

I play at league on Wednesday nights, so it doesn’t clash with work. Tournaments and trainings are usually over the weekend.

  1. How did you get into rugby and please describe your journey?

I was running the 100m sprint in grade 8 (2006) and the touch rugby coach caught up with me afterwards and asked me to try rugby. I went for the 1st training session and never looked back.

  1. What are the highlights of your rugby career?

My highlight is definitely making the SA team (becoming a TouchBok) and playing in the Touch Rugby World Cup in Malaysia in 2019. In my 1st test against China, I scored the 1st try for our team within 30 seconds. It was an amazing feeling.

  1. In acknowledgement of Girls and Women in Sports Day, what’s your advice to girls and women in sports?

Don’t let anybody tell you that you can’t do something. It’s about you. Push yourself. You’ll be amazed at what you’re capable of.

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