BET Software Inspires Students To Choose Careers In The Tech Industry

April is a month when South Africa reflects on the importance of freedom. With this in mind, BET Software visited three educational institutions to remind students of the significance of having the freedom to choose their own career paths in the tech space.

On Thursday, 19 April, BET Software visited Varsity College in Westville, Durban, to engage with students about all things tech, and to show them why the company prides itself in disruptive innovation.

BET Software took part in this career fair as part of its mission to inform students about the benefits of a career in the tech industry. A giveaway raffle was also hosted on the day and an IT student walked away with a gaming headset and blue light gaming glasses.

In their aim to motivate future software developers, BET Software also hosts knowledge-sharing sessions at their beneficiary schools, in the form of career days. This month, the company kickstarted this initiative at Nhlanhlayethu Secondary School in Inanda, followed by Velabahleke High School in Umlazi. The focus was on Grade 10, 11, and 12 Computer Application Technology (CAT) learners, to encourage them to enter the tech space.

Nhlanhlayethu BET website BET Software Inspires Students To Choose Careers In The Tech Industry

BET Software boasts a growing bursary and graduate program on which learners were given direction, in terms of which studies to take to pursue these opportunities.

Software development engineer at BET Software, Mpendulo Magwaza, who is a product of Nhlanhlayethu Secondary School, inspired learners by discussing what a day in the life of a software developer looks like. Magwaza began his journey at BET Software as a graduate trainee. At his alma mater, in a class packed with aspiring techies, he also explained what the company works on.

Earlier this year, BET Software assisted Nhlanhlayethu Secondary School with essential school supplies, after Magwaza nominated them.

To end off the series of successful career question and answer sessions, BET Software gave away prizes to lucky winners from both schools.

Michael Collins, General Manager at BET Software, said, “One of our goals at BET Software is to maintain industry excellence in this continuously evolving tech landscape. And it’s important to invest in young people whilst doing this. I believe BET Software’s partnerships with schools and tertiary institutions, for career days, are pivotal. We hope to see these talented learners and students as part of the BET Software family in the future.”

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