BET Software All-Stars share their journeys

Youth day

Explore the incredible journeys of our BET Software All-Stars in our latest Youth Day blog. Four dynamic individuals, who are former trainee graduates now vital Team Members, reveal how the BET Software Graduate Programme and “Dare To Dream” bursaries have transformed their lives, from students to professionals. BET Software empowers youth with skills, support, and opportunities. See first-hand the difference we are making in nurturing the future leaders of tomorrow.

4 BET Software All-Stars share their journeys
Lekoba Mabitla

Question: How has the bursary given you access to quality education?

As a bursary recipient, access to quality education has been transformative. It’s provided financial support for tuition, books, and other essentials, allowing me to focus on learning without worrying about financial barriers. It’s also opened doors to opportunities like internships, which I was on last year. Now I’m a junior DBA in the organisation.

Question: How has your journey at BET Software been so far & why are you most appreciative for this opportunity?

My journey at BET Software has been incredible. Starting as a fresh graduate and growing into a Junior Software Developer has been invaluable. BET provided a stellar environment for my professional and personal growth, right out of varsity. Real-world projects expanded my understanding of software development. The supportive, collaborative culture shaped my career path greatly. I’m grateful for these experiences and lessons—they’ve set a solid foundation for my future with BET Software.

3 BET Software All-Stars share their journeys
Nosipho Naledi Mbuyazi
1 BET Software All-Stars share their journeys
Pako Tumelo Baloyi

Question: What have you learnt the most in this journey?

In my journey from university to Software Development Engineer 1 at BET Software, I’ve learnt the power of continuous learning and adaptability. Transitioning from student to graduate trainee and now to my current role, I’ve embraced staying updated with tech and industry trends. Challenges have become growth opportunities, teaching me teamwork, communication, and agility in a fast-paced environment. Success in software isn’t just about technical skills—it’s about resilience, collaboration, and a passion for learning.

Question: How has BET Software helped your career develop?

BET Software set me up for the tech industry through their awesome graduate programme, giving me crucial knowledge and hands-on skills. I had amazing mentors who guided me through challenges. Their professional development programs, like Power Skills, taught me emotional management, handling pressure, and teamwork. Plus, I got to work with cutting-edge technologies, keeping me ahead in the field. This journey has equipped me with a strong, industry-aligned skill set.

2 BET Software All-Stars share their journeys
Palesa Sekobi

Don’t miss out on your chance to “Dare To Dream” with our bursary programme; online applications open on 1 August. At BET Software, we’re committed to nurturing talent and empowering young professionals like you, so, visit our Careers page to learn more about how you can start your journey with us and be part of our mission to innovate and lead in the tech industry.

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