BET’s Comeback Crew: Where Talent Finds Its Home

BET Comeback Crew

In the ever-evolving world of technology, where career choices are boundless, the true testament of a remarkable workplace is when it becomes the irresistible gravitational force pulling former employees back into its orbit. At BET Software, we’ve been welcoming a growing number of ‘comeback crew’.

In this illuminating exploration, we delve into their stories, their compelling reasons for coming back, and the undeniable allure that BET Software offers.

Join us as we reacquaint you with our prodigal talents and explore the distinct advantages of working for a company that consistently nurtures innovation, fosters growth, and values the individuality of its All-Stars. It’s a story of second chances, of rediscovery, and a testament to the magnetic pull of BET Software’s culture and opportunities. Discover what makes our company the kind of place you return to, not just as an employee but as an integral part of our thriving family.

Janell Govender Comeback Crew Member

Janell Govender
Business Intelligence Engineer 

Q: When did you originally start at BET, what was your position then, did your role change when you came back, and after how long did you come back to BET?
A: I first started at BET in 2015, when we were still an IT department within Hollywoodbets. I was fortunate enough to witness the birth of SyX and its exponential growth into an entire company. I started as a Support Developer and I’m now a BI Engineer. I came back to BET in October 2023 after being away for a year.

Q: What do you feel your most significant/tangible contribution during your first stint here was?
A: Setting up the report structure for new clients and being there to take them through the process of adopting the reports and data made available to them.

Q: What is one professional lesson you learnt after leaving BET and as you explored other avenues?
A: Listen to everyone but remember that you own your career. If you wake up in several years, wondering ‘What if?’ you are the only person you’ll be able to hold accountable for the decisions you did, or didn’t make.

Q: What improvements/growth about BET can you see since you’ve returned?
A: BET Software has grown immensely in size.

Bhekisisa Minange comeback crew


Bhekisisa Minange
Business Intelligence Engineer

Q: When did you originally start at BET, what was your position then, did your role change when you came back, and after how long did you come back to BET?
A: I started on 04 April 2018 as an Application Support Analyst and when I left the company, I was working as a Business Intelligence Engineer. I returned to my old position (Business Intelligence Engineer).

Q: What did you miss about BET while you were away?
A: I missed the culture of BET Software, the environment and the lovely people.

Q: How does it feel to be back?
A: It’s good to be back, doing what I love the most, with great people – feels like I am back home.

Q: What new expertise or skillset did you come back armed with to improve BET?
A: I have learnt a lot of Microsoft tech, as the company I was previously working for was using Power BI, Customer Engagement and Business Central.

Kerusha Naidoo Comeback Crew Member

Kerusha Naidoo
Senior Talent Acquisition Specialist

Q: When did you originally start at BET, what was your position then, did your role change when you came back, and after how long did you come back to BET?
A: I started at BET Software in September 2020 as a Talent Acquisition Specialist. I was promoted to Senior Talent Acquisition Specialist, and I thoroughly enjoyed my role of leading a Team of 5. I returned after 3 months.

Q: What is it about BET Software that made you decide to come back?
A: As I reflect on my time here, I’ve had the opportunity to take on increasingly challenging roles and responsibilities, allowing me to cultivate my skills in the field of talent acquisition. This continuous learning and development, coupled with the supportive and nurturing work environment at BET Software, made the decision to come back an easy one.

Q: How have you made/how are you hoping to make a positive dent at BET during your second tenure?
A: Well, during my second tenure at BET Software as a Senior Talent Acquisition Specialist, I am committed to making a positive impact by leveraging my experience and expertise in talent acquisition. I have a multifaceted approach to ensure I contribute effectively.

Q: Being able to come back to BET Software speaks to the personality of the company. What’s one other interesting aspect of BET Software that the tech world/future All-Stars should know about?
A: In a world where technology and innovation are driving forces, BET Software stands out not only for its exceptional commitment to pushing the tech envelope, but also for its dedication to creating an inclusive, supportive, and forward-thinking community. This is what makes BET Software a standout destination for tech’s future All-Stars.

The most compelling stories are the ones told by those who’ve experienced the journey first-hand. Our Comeback Crew’s experiences are a true testament to the incredible opportunities that await you at BET Software. If their stories have sparked your interest and ignited your passion, we invite you to take the next step on your own journey with us. Explore our Careers Page today.

Discovering Bet Software’s Impact: Insights into Tech Culture and Industry

  • Explore Bet Software’s impact at the Rosebank College Career Fair, where innovation meets opportunity.
  • Join Bet Software’s Comeback Crew – a hub for talent to thrive amidst innovation and support.
  • Experience the intersection of technology and human triumph with Bet Software, spreading hope through personal stories like “My Journey with Diabetes”.
  • Discover the transformative power of education with Bet Software, paving the way for aspiring innovators through initiatives like the “Dare to Dream Bursary”.
  • Overcome barriers and pursue success in the ICT industry with Bet Software, where dedication and support create opportunities for all.
  • Explore the future of women in ICT with Bet Software, where empowerment drives progress and innovation.
  • Discover the dynamics of ICT digital transformation in South Africa’s digital revolution.
  • Explore the significance of ICT in education, shaping the future of learning and innovation.
  • Trace the journey from roots to revolution with Bet Software’s heritage, a story of evolution and innovation.
  • Witness the beginning of exciting careers with Bet Software’s graduate programme, welcoming talented trainees into a world of opportunity and growth.
  • Celebrate the success of Bet Software’s 2022 graduate trainees, now permanent members contributing to bridging the tech skills gap.
  • Witness the impact of Bet Software in uplifting Golden Steps School and Open Air School, fostering education and empowerment.
  • Experience the empowerment of Velabahleke High School’s top-performing matriculants of 2022 with Bet Software, paving the way for a brighter future.
  • Celebrate Women in Sports Day with Mengka Singh and Bet Software, recognizing the achievements and contributions of women in athletics.
  • Join the celebration as Bet Software honours Open Air School, making a difference in the lives of students and educators.
  • Discover the significanc

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