The Future of Women in ICT


Discover the fascinating world of women in technology and the bright future of the ICT sector. Learn about the obstacles and possibilities as women make their mark in the tech industry.

This index gives you a quick overview of the article and common questions about women in tech.

Article: “The Exciting Future of Women in Tech”

  1. The Future of the ICT Sector
  2. Challenges Faced by Women in Tech
    • Lack of Role Models, Mentoring, and Networking
    • Work-Life Balance and Company Culture
    • Gender Bias and Stereotypes
  3. Supporting Women in Tech
  4. Women Making a Difference
  5. Women Leading the Way

FAQs: Women in Tech

  1. Why is it important for women to be in the tech industry?
  2. Why do some women not choose tech careers?
  3. What can be done to support women in tech?
  4. How can women learn about technology and start a career in it?
  5. What jobs can women do in the tech industry?
  6. What’s the future of the tech industry for women?

The Exciting Future of Women in Tech

The future of the ICT (information and communications technology) sector looks exciting. It has opened unknown horizons. More women are going into this field, than ever before, and you can find female representation at all levels of the industry, making it a great time to be a woman in ICT.

However some old stereotypes still hold back many women from choosing careers in software development, where only 10% to 20% of the jobs are held by women.

Women obstacles

In the past, women had limited access to science and tech education. Today, there are still obstacles that stop women from joining the ICT field:

1. Lack of Role Models, Mentoring, and Networking

Few female role models, mentors, and networking opportunities can make it hard for women to get into tech. They might feel alone on this journey.

2. Work-Life Balance and Company Culture

Long working hours and a tough work-life balance can be a big problem for women in tech. Plus, some companies don’t have a culture that supports diversity and inclusion.

3. Gender Bias and Stereotypes

Outdated stereotypes and gender bias can discourage women from choosing tech careers. These need to change for tech to become more inclusive.

Supporting Women in Tech

Therefore, we must promote women in tech, and several associations exist to focus on this objective.

Communities like the WIIT (Women in IT South Africa), Women in Tech, WES (Women’s Engineering Society) and SWE (Society of Women Engineers) aim to advance women to fit into the notions of science and technology because women have been involved in incredible technical developments for generations.

Women Making a Difference

Many women in the world of information technology and the web, have excelled in their skills and inventions, and have played an important role in the creation of the computer tools that we know today.

Some of BET Software’s trainees in the graduate programme shared their thoughts on why representation in the tech space matters.

Although Nonjabulo Mtembu learned how to use a computer in primary school, she had no real IT experience until she started university. When she arrived at DUT, she jumped right into her course, thinking to herself, “I will change this course when one year is up.”

But little did she know that she would fall in love with information and communications technology (ICT) and develop a strong interest in it. And that is how she chose this career.

She says, “I believe that ICT is important because it pervades all aspects of life, enabling people to interact, network, seek assistance, access information, and learn in new, better, and faster ways. No matter how technology evolves, this field will always be relevant and will need more people as technology advances.”

Mbalenhle Bayeni acknowledges we need more women in tech. “Women provide a more balanced view of this sector. We see things differently and bring unique ideas to the table. This enables us to be better problem-solvers, which can boost performance at business unit levels,” she says.

Her dream is to one day own a technology institution, where children can learn about technology at a young age, and start developing their tech skills early. “I am always thinking about my next step, and how to move forward towards achieving my dreams,” she explains.

For Samukelisiwe Zulu, being in the tech space has taught her the importance of adaptation – this means being able to adapt to change, having the willingness to grow, and being knowledgeable about the existence of new technologies.

During her time at BET Software, she says she has learnt a great deal about the software development industry.  “I have learnt the different types of departments that exist within the Software Development Life Cycle in the industry, and how these departments are intertwined or work with each other to bring about projects and new products to life,” Zulu explains.

Women Leading the Way

More women are now taking charge in tech companies, working as IT engineers, and developers, and even reaching the top positions. They’re making technology work for them and inspiring other women to join in.

In summary, the future of the ICT sector is looking great, with women leading the way. Challenges still exist, but women are breaking barriers and shaping the tech world to be more inclusive.


1. Why is it important for women to be in the tech industry?

It’s important because women bring different ideas and perspectives, helping companies solve problems better. Technology is a big part of our lives, and women can make it even more useful.

2. Why do some women not choose tech careers?

Some women might not see role models or have people to help and guide them. Also, long work hours and a tough work-life balance can be a problem. Outdated ideas and beliefs about women in tech can also stop them.

3. What can be done to support women in tech?

There are groups like IEEE WIE, WES, and SWE that work to help women in tech. They provide support, encouragement, and opportunities for women. They also work to change the old ideas about women in tech.

4. How can women learn about technology and start a career in it?

Women can start by learning about tech at school or on their own. There are many online courses and resources. They can also join tech-related groups and communities to connect with others in the field.

5. What jobs can women do in the tech industry?

Women can do many jobs in tech, like IT engineers, software developers, and even reach top positions in tech companies. There are no limits to what they can achieve in the tech world.

6. What’s the future of the tech industry for women?

The future looks bright for women in tech. More and more women are getting involved, and they’re making technology work for them. They’re breaking down barriers and leading the way in the tech world.

Discover more about ICT

Explore the ICT landscape in Africa and South Africa, bridging the gender gap and envisioning the future of women in technology. Dive into these insightful articles:

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